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About us
• 1. Our Purpose  • 2. Our Beliefs  • 3. Our Executive Committee

1. Purpose
  • To further the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Ireland

  • To give visible expression to our unity in Christ by facilitating and fostering close co-operation between Bible-centred churches, missions and individual believers in Ireland

  • To encourage efficient and effective communication of the Gospel.

Aontas is not:

A denomination, and so does not involve itself in the governance of local churches.

Gospel Partnership 
Aontas will seek to further the Gospel in Ireland in the following ways:

  • By enabling the sharing of resources

  • By supporting the planting of Bible-centred churches

  • By sponsoring bible-centred conferences and activities

Public Engagement
We will seek to apply biblical principles to public life in order to promote Christian standards of morality and social justice. We aim to achieve this by:

  • Researching and analysing current thinking and social policy in the light of Scripture

  • Keeping our Partners, Associates and Supporters informed of societal trends and impending legislation

  • Assisting churches to equip their members to engage effectively on issues in society

  • Representing the concerns of Partners, Associates and Supporters to Government Ministers, TDs, and other relevant departments, bodies and agencies

  • Releasing statements to the media

  • Acting where appropriate in co-operation with other groups and agencies

2. Our Beliefs

Read our Statement of Faith under the 'Our Beliefs' link


3. Executive Committee

Aontas Executive Committee
The following people make up the Aontas Executive Committee elected by the churches at its Annual Conference:

Paudge Mulvihill – Calvary Church Westport

Matthew Brennan - Clonmel Baptist Church, Co. Tipperary 

Mark Loughridge - New Life Fellowship, Letterkenny 

Ray Clancy - Calvary Galway 

Peter Jemphrey - Covenant Christian Fellowship, Galway

Seth Lewis - Carrigtwohill, Co. Cork

Ludie Creech - Hope Community Church, Longford



Our Hon. Secretary is Paudge Mulvihill
Our Administrator is Ray Clancy

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