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1. Churches becoming a Partner
2. Christian Organisations becoming an affiliate
3. Individuals becoming a supporter

1. Churches Becoming Partners

We are very pleased to receive into partnership all Bible-centred churches. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant, and if you are happy that this reflects your church’s doctrinal position, we would welcome an application for partnership from your church.

Partner churches are asked to contribute to the costs of running Aontas annually:


  • Smaller churches and church plants, where finances are limited, are asked to contribute €85

  • Churches in a more established position are asked to contribute €150

Where a church wants to join but is not in a position to contribute, we will welcome them into full partnership, because our ultimate desire is fellowship in the gospel and financial considerations are secondary.

Please email us at

2. Christian Organisations Becoming Affiliates

2. Christian Organisations Becoming Affiliates

We are delighted to receive into affiliation all Bible-centred organisations. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant and if you are happy that this reflects your organisation’s doctrinal position we would welcome an application for affiliation from your organisation

Christian Organisations are asked to contribute €50 to the costs of running Aontas annually.


Please email us at

3. Christian Individuals Becoming Supporters

We welcome support from Christian Individuals who have Bible-centred convictions. Please read carefully our Statement of Faith and Covenant and if you are happy that this reflects your doctrinal position, we would welcome your support.

Christian individuals are asked to contribute €30 to the costs of running Aontas annually. If you are in a position to contribute more this, it would be gratefully received.


Link to our Statement of Faith and Covenant.

Please email us at


In Person

If you would like to talk to someone in person about Aontas or about Jesus Christ & the Good News, contact us and we will see if we can arrange a meeting.



See our updated posts and activities on Facebook

Over the Phone

You can contact us by phone at the numbers below:


094 9023702



+353 94 9023702

By Email

Send us an email and we'll get back to you.



Contact Us

Aontas Hon Secretary, 

Paudge Mulvihill,

 72 Rowan Drive,

Castlebar, Co. Mayo, Ireland

Connect with us
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